Negotiation Skills
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Course Overview
Aligned Learning Outcomes
- Individual Interior - Learn to overcome any discomfort you have with negotiating.
- Individual Exterior - Project confidence in your abilities in your interactions with others.
- Organizational Interior - Do more negotiating with your team, not less.
- Organizational Exterior - Help your organization advocate effectively for itself.
Certificate Included

Course Lessons
Everything is negotiable. Whether or not the negotiation is easy is another thing.
— Carrie Fisher
Never try to negotiate with anyone after he or she has eaten. People are best persuaded on an empty stomach. And forget power breakfasts. There is no convincing anyone of anything before 10 A.M.
— Joyce Brothers
In life, you don't get what you deserve. You get what you negotiate. So don't be afraid to ask - the worst you can hear is 'no.'
— Christine Tsai