Leadership for Women and Girls

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Course Overview
It is not a secret the world is undergoing a massive transformation. Despite our universal need for powerful leadership in every sector, women still face significant societal and institutional barriers that need to be broken. Instead, let's honor how women wield leadership, power, and influence. Use coupon WOMENLEADERS for 100% discount.
Aligned Learning Outcomes
  • Individual Interior - Build your unique leadership competencies.
  • Individual Exterior - Lead and influence others with your point of view.
  • Organizational Interior - Actively recruit more women to serve as team leaders.
  • Organizational Exterior - Help your organization thrive as it incorporates women's concerns in its strategy.
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Certificate Included

Course Lessons

I write for those women who do not speak, for those who do not have a voice because they were so terrified, because we are taught to respect fear more than ourselves. We've been taught that silence would save us, but it won't.
— Audre Lorde
The connections between and among women are the most feared, the most problematic, and the most potentially transforming force on the planet.
— Adrienne Rich
A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.
— Eleanor Roosevelt

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